I just bought myself a shiny new ChannelMaster TV antenna with a five foot mast and a bracket to attach it to my roof (in anticipation of my hopefully soon-to-arrive HD-TiVo). Before I attach the antenna to my roof, I realized I need to have a grounding story. I've surfed around, and found agreement that I need to do some grounding, but not what I'd call detailed instructions on how to make it happen.

Furthermore, I looked at my existing DirecTV dish installation (done profesionally), and I don't see any kind of grounding wire attached to the thing. Do I need to ground that as well? Where should I buy all the grounding equipment? All I saw at Fry's (where I bought the antenna) was a ground block isolator (two coax connectors + a hook for a 12ga solid core wire that you're supposed to run to a true ground). I didn't see anything that you might want to bury in the yard. Do I have to go to Home Depot for that? Anybody done something like this before? Any advice?

(Should I just mount the antenna in the attic and take the lower singal strength in return for not having an ugly antenna on the roof and not having to deal with the grounding issues?)