Some things you never see coming. Here I was, happily doing life with an up and coming band in San Antonio. Then, out of the blue I get an amazing opportunity to live closer to my family at a better job for more money. So I've got three weeks and I'll be moving to Atlanta, GA. Three weeks ago, I would have laughed if you'd have told me that, but there it is.
For those of you who've followed the back pain my wife has had, you'll know why it is no small thing to have a better pain management community around. San Antonio pain management doctors are just too overworked, but we believe we'll be able to find much better care in Atlanta.
As for the band, well it's going to change tremendously here. We'll of course not be playing live anymore, but we're still going to attempt to record together. My two favorite songs that I've ever written were composed after our CD, so we really want to get those down. We'll see how that turns out long distance- gotta love technology!
Anyway, so I'll no longer be the one you guys turn to for Texas bashing; though in many ways you might have a better target in GA!

Oh, and the best news of all? I'll not be a manager at the new job. It's back to the programming trenches for me! (no offense to any managers out there- it's just not for me).