I will soon be planting several thousand trees, I wanted some way of recording what I'd planted and where, obviously I'd like to be able to add yield data as time goes by.

Initially the idea was that I'd just programme a simple database myself but I've realised that there isn't a shared resource for such data (at least not in the UK), after discussion with a few parties it seems that it would indeed be a useful resource, so this is what I'm after:

A local client DB (Win and Mac if possible) that can be accessed, updated, and reported on off-line.

An on-line database where other users can submit data and have unique tree IDs attached to their own data.

The project should be as cheap and future proof as possible, low bandwidth, robustness and low processor/memory overheads are essential.

I'll be funding this project myself and it will be provided as a free service to small scale foresters (and others growing trees), so although I'm willing to pay for someone to design/programme it I haven't got unlimited funds.

Is anybody here interested in (or know anybody that may be) working on this?
