I just downloaded and played the Windows demo for "Need for Speed: Most Wanted".

I am so buying this one.

One of my favorite older games was NFS: Hot Pursuit, and this is all that and more. Except, with motion blurring and high dynamic range lighting, and the light from the sunset glinting off the road surface, and running roadblocks, and hiding from the police, and knocking down water towers so they crash down on your pursuers...

The mode in the demo that's the most mind-blowing is the third challenge mode. You basically goad the cops into putting up roadblocks to stop you. Then, after blasting through six roadblocks, you've got to evade them so they lose track of you, then hide until the timer runs out. But what's coolest is the environment. It's the most detailed environment I've seen in a racing game so far. I've played it dozens of times, and I keep finding new places in the city to go. And that's just the one map included in the demo.
Tony Fabris