So, my Sony SRX87's looking a little long in the tooth, and I'm in the market for a new laptop. The wife's going to be getting the Sony once I've replaced the battery -- and I'm considering leaving Ubuntu on it, and seeing how she gets on.

My requirements:

- at least 1Gb RAM
- quick CPU. dual core might be nice.
- I'd like it to be Vista-ready, but it's going to be running XP Pro until then. I _might_ install Ubuntu on it at some point.

The 2 most important:

- it's gotta be as light as, or lighter than, my SRX87P.
- it's gotta be available in the UK.

Asus have some nice-looking kit right now, but they're not all available in the UK, and I'm confused by the model numbers. I've had no real problems with my Sony, but I am aware that they're a little slack when it comes to support. I'd rather not get a Dell -- we're wall-to-wall with them here, and I fancy something different.

What's good right now?
-- roger