After dealing with really, really weak (but still existent) cellphone signal at my remote property, I've found something that might help the situation.
There exists a class of signal 'repeater' for cell phones that is typically used inside large office buildings. This technology is shrinking in capacity and price for the home market. Got weak signal inside your home? No problem (they say!).

The company I'm most interested in (Wi-Ex) is by far the cheapest- ~$300
The units are available all over the internet- Amazon, ThinkGeek, NewEgg, RadioShack, Fry's, etc.
Here's the cheapest I've found.
I'm concerned primarily with the dual band model either for the home (YX-510 PCS/CEL 120VAC $300) or the car (YX-200 PCS/CEL 12VDC $200).

The 12V system is nice- haven't got grid power at the property anyway. Obviously I'd be rigging my own poles, power, and perhaps improvisational dishes.

Anyone had any dealings with such devices?
Tips, tricks, advice, anecdotes, and opinions are all welcome!
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)