My googlefu isn't working well, too many generic terms I suppose. Anyhow...

Does anyone know of a device to hook onto a serial device, and then allow it to be talked to over ethernet? I'm imagining a little box with a serial port on one side, ethernet on the other, and intelligence in said box that lets it grab a DHCP IP, and listen for telnet connections or something over TCP/IP that are then relayed via serial to the serial device attached.

To explain what this is for, I have an orb at work. The goal is to have it change color to indicate build status. The device normally uses a pager network to be told to change colors, but this has two problems. One, it's slow, and can take 5-15 minutes to change from when the command was sent. Two, the ability to send custom color commands over the network is unavailable till september due to some change on their side. So the plan is to buy the serial developer board that hooks into the orb and gives it a serial port. Builds are run on servers tucked away in our datacenter, so having it serially attached is no good if it is going to be on someones desk. Hence the idea for lan, plus having it talk over the network will be easier to integrate into the build system then serial communications.

Thanks in advance