Am I the only one disappointed that the LOTR Extended DVD collection is a throwback to Laserdiscs? Looking at all 4 of the DVDs, they are all singal layer. To me, that says they needed to justify the extended version by DVD count, and not actual content. I understand that dual layer DVDs hold slightly less then 2 singal layers, but the amount of difference dosen't seem to be that big.
I appreciate the new content, but feel like they are milking the fans to death with things like this:
Are any of the bonus features on the August DVD repeated on the November DVD?
No. Each DVD release includes a unique set of bonus features. The November DVD contains two discs full of all- new features made especially for this release. There is over 30 hours of content on this DVD release, including 17 original documentaries and featurettes, 2 interactive maps, 4 commentaries, and galleries filled with thousands of conceptual sketches.
Oh well. At least I opted out of buying book ends and a 5th DVD for $35 more.