Anyone here own a portable DVD player, and if so, what model do you have and why do you like it? I am in the market for one, and I need some helpful advice on what to look for.

I am going to be flying quite a bit more this year, and although renting one at the airport has been quite handy, I think I am ready purchase my own.

I am interested in the Panasonic DVD-LV70 (7" screen, etc.) and don't want to go to a smaller screen than that.

Almost all of the units seem to have a bevy of outputs, but has anyone seen one with INPUTS so it could be used as a display for a source to be connected later?

In general, I would really appreciate tips and pointers on what to look for, and what to avoid from those who already took the plunge. They really do seem to be fairly affordable these days, with brand-new units going for $350-500 on eBay.

Thanks for your input,
