Did anyone read this? I was wondering about what the people here thought


It is pretty irrelevant actually. With the e-911 legislation, the government always knows where you are, just in case (tracking phones through gps or radio triangulation). Also, have you ever driven through large cities with those signs that say "14-16 minutes to exit 147?" They have cameras on the roadside that track license plates so they can figure that out. Do you have a subway or toll road pass? Those things keep track of where and when you use them. How about using a credit card? Those things keep of record of what, where and when you purchase items. The same thing is true of those shopping discount cards that all the grocery stores use now. And detailed records are kept of your phone records.

And of course, let us not forget the government initiatives to track what you do online. They take myriad forms, but I bet most of you didn't know that every time you go to a webpage with double-click advertising on it that they know who you are (assuming you have ever filled out a survey or bought a product from a company they are affiliated with). This data is and much much more is collected by advertisers and access is sold to the government. There is also Carnivore, Son of Carnivore, and simple address logging to contend with.

Did you know that most airports and sporting venues are considering facial recognition software? There are already tests going on at a variety of locations. This is made possible by the digital photographs associated with most driver's licenses. Airports are also going to link this information to as many databases as possible.

The information has been available for some time. It is only now that it is becoming possible to use it meaningfully. Privacy is largely becoming an illusion. If we follow the path of Great Britain, it will be entirely gone. They are collecting a DNA database of anyone who was ever arrested for a crime (even if they were not charged or convicted) as well as anyone who crosses the border into Ireland. They have cameras on every street corner in populated cities. Not only that, they are planning on recording and storing all internet and phone conversations for a period of up to 7 years by everyone in the country.

You have nothing to fear, right? You haven't broken any laws. That time you accidentally stumbled into a homosexual pedophile beast-porn site probably won't show up, will it? Of course they won't enter your data incorrectly into the database or confuse you with the John Smith in the next town who is wanted for armed robbery. I'm sure you have never posted anything online that will come back to haunt you, and, of course, unauthorized people will never gain access to this information. Employers, banks, and government officials will THINK they know you by what background checks turn up. Bad information is almost impossible to get rid of.

Ignorance is bliss.
