I'm once again looking for a plastic product. And yes, I'm once again looking for it to address a cat issue

I'm attempting to address the issue of litter tracking, which I've become fed up with. One of our litter boxes is in the bathroom, and I'm tired of stepping on litter when I get out of the shower everyday, or walking over the pieces that have been brought out onto the carpet of the room.
I currently have a mat, but it only does a mediocre job. I've long thought that a great idea would be to have a grate that had big enough openings to allow litter to fall through, but small enough so the cats don't mind walking on it. I've found two solutions, but they both have problems:
Paw Path looks like a good product, but it's really expensive and seems a little overdone. I don't need those barriers on the sides, for instance, as I already have a narrow path to the litter box.
Welcome Litter Mat is, unfortunately,
exactly what I want in every way, but apparently it's no longer on Amazon and the company that makes it
no longer exists, as even though it says their site is under construction, any attempts to contact them using the information on
other pages on their site are fruitless.
So what I'm looking for is really nothing more than a plastic grate of a certain size with a somewhat small size for the openings. I can put that on a plastic tray or something. I've done hours of Googling, but can't seem to find anything. If you guys are able to, I'd be
grateful (sorry). And if you can think of some way I might be able to get in touch with that Group One Pet Products company, that would be amazing too.
Sorry for another very weird, esoteric post