Some time ago I thought I would encrypt a directory on my computer using the encryption/security in my Vista OS. It got too complicated to deal with it, so I abandoned the effort. Since that time, when I run backups, there are two files that show up as errors that almost certainly are left over from my encryption attempt. It's no big deal, except I hate seeing those red error remarks in my backup log. It bugs me. (Yes, I freely admit I am anal to the point of OCD.) These are the files:

12/27/2010 00:57:36: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 5 - Access is denied.):

12/27/2010 00:58:42: Error: Could Not Open Source File (Error 5 - Access is denied.):
C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\d359342e721670f3f3e2535c6025cbaf_44f125a2-ed4c-434b-9152-75839f5740a0

Actually, it looks like it is the same file in two different directory paths. Even with administrator privileges Windows will not allow me to delete these files. Is this just something I will have to live with, a reminder of my folly, or is there something I can do?

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"