I thought I had this problem licked. Or at least, I thought I'd found a satisfactory solution. I've posted before about a product I'd purchased to get sound to my rear speakers.

My living room is the worst environment for wiring my rear speakers. It's simply not possible to go around the left or right side, and the floor is wood laminate over concrete. I think it would be possible to go up and over, but that's going to be costly and probably require painting the ceiling (which is a very large ceiling).

The problem I'm having with the Rocketfish (which transmits at 2.4GHz) is that I finally found out that it has been the cause of my WiFi issues. For a while now, I've been unable to use my Eye-Fi card, as it would refuse to connect to my router. I'd also get generally flaky connections from my phone or a laptop. I tried turning the Rocketfish off and everything worked perfectly. Of course, neither of the desktops in my home that are on the 5GHz band have had problems.

So now I'm worried that I'm back to square one. I don't know of any products that can get sound to my rear speakers. Any ideas?