OK, this is a not so newbie question from a very newbie to remotes type person. I posted the question of which signals are sent to the Honda Stereo from the remote and this was one of the answers I got back.

green/red at the radio harness is the steering wheel control. Just tie in there. Signals are resistors that get pulled to ground when a button is pressed. Factory resistors are:
100, 270, 620 and 3.6k (IIRC)
Take a look at this:

Video on navi conversion *NOTE: Tony should follow this link!*

So the top link suggests, I think, that I should rewire the remote to the IR reciever then program the Empeg to recognize the ir commands for the remote. Is that right? If so, where would I mount the IR device? Or should I try to connect the wires from the remote to a plug ala the Sony Remote if the signals are the same? Or am I just missing the point all together?

The bottom link goes into detail on how to hook up a DVD player to output to the screen the Honda/Acura Navigation system uses. A very interesting read IMHO.
