Well I finely got fed up with my JOb and Quit I picked up a New job over at Intel as a Network administrator so NO MORE drving My new apartment is less then 1 mile from work so I am looking to get an Empeg again (Yea !!! Turns summersaults)

A Bunch on ebay so no problem there my question is anyone have any input on an add on EQ/DSP for an empeg ??

I was thinking a Pioneer DEQ-9200 for the sub out and other bells, but there are others anyone got input ?

need remote mountable with a small display less then 1 inch thick 2inches high 7 wide I'll mount it from the celling over the riew-view mirrior)
______________________________________ Do not meddle in the affairs of Network Administrators, for they are subtle and quick to anger. ______________________________________ Worlds Lamest Wb Site (mine) http://home.comcast.net/~jlipchitz/