I noticed that my player occasionally reboots itself for no apparent reason (using 2.0-b7). This was typically happening while driving and the player was in the middle of playing a song. I thought it might have been related to something in my car (vibration from engine and/or suspension causing a read error, etc, etc). It happens infrequently, usually once about every 1-2 hours of continous playback. I upgraded to 2.0-b11 and still see this.

What prompted me to post this is that I just noticed that the player does this even in standby mode on AC power. I had left the player in standby mode after syncing with my PC while I was doing some other stuff on the PC. After about an hour of sitting in standby, the player came to life, rebooted itself, and then went back into standby. Another hour or so later it did it again. Seems weird. Anyone seen anything like this? Is this a known issue, or even expected behavior, or maybe I have some type of hardware issue?

I will try make this happen again and monitor what gets reported on the serial port when it happens.... but I figured I check with you guys before going to too much trouble, incase it is a known problem.

Hmmm... maybe I just let the EMPEG sit on the case of my Windows 2000 machine too long and something bad creeped in via osmosis .