Hi !
As i was a games programmer long time ago, progging assembler code on 6502 Systems and later on 68000 CPU's on machines that didn't have 24 Bit graphics, i remember one dirty trick to get more shades of gray out of the display that might work with the empeg too ...

The trick is to flip between 2 displays so fast, that you mix pixel brightnesses visually:

So now we have brighness levels of 0, 1, 2, 3.
If we paint one pixel with 1 and paint it with 2 shortly afterward and then with 1 again -> 1 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2 -> ....
The human eye will se a brightness of 1.5 !!!
So if you want to display a picture containing 8 gray scales you basically flip between two 4 grayscale pictures very fast and ... voila ! it looks good if you flip fast enough ...

The question is, what is the "refresh" rate for the plasma display, and is there an interrupt telling you when it is finished ??
(Or is ther no real refresh rate, so we could use a timer interrupt of ... hmmm ... 50 Hz or so to flip between the images )

Someone of you that played around with displaying bitmaps on the empeg could alter the software to flip between 2 pictures as fast as possible, and tell us about the result ...
This mechanism could be implemented for all screen display functions, upgrading the display to 8 shades of gray, which would vastly improve graphics ...

Any opinions ??


If the display allows it, speed shouldnt be an issue, i did that in a raster interrupt on those crappy cpu's mentioned above ...