Most people, like me, probably find this diisgusting.
Oh, no doubt. I guess I'm just looking at putting the father in jail as not really doing much in the way of being helpful to anyone. Instad of a young mother and father, the child will now have a young mother and a father in jail. It seems the father was at least trying to do the right thing. Too little too late, perhaps?

I really have to wonder about the parent of a 13 year old girl who thinks this is a good idea, that's the more disturbing part.
Probably she's just doing what she can to "make it right". Some further reading from the forum discussion above pointed out that the mother actually had a restraining order against the guy before she got pregnant, but had it lifted after they were married. Both the girl and the guy were in "special needs" classes, but you can't really known what it means except that they were definitely too young to be doing anything of the sort.

I know that people used to get married and have babies at age 13, and our bodies are certainly capable of it, but I have a niece who's 13 and I can't imaigine her being sexually active or having a child.

This is just a bad situation all around.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.