
One point I'd like to make right away is that I don't post here in a Customer Services capacity. I post here in a personal capacity, which means I get to be far more open and frank than if I were replying from info or support @empeg.com.

I didn't intend to come across as snotty. Looking back over my email archives (which run from June '99), we've had about 60 requests for Mac software, and no more than half a dozen Linux users who aren't happy with emptool. It's a plain and simple fact that the vast majority of our clients, currently, run Windows.

There's no need to preach about the rights or wrongs of this - we have a number of die-hard Linux and Mac fans at empeg, and I don't think anyone here is a big fan of Windows.

Nonetheless, it never fails to fascinate me when, should we fail to quite meet the level of service an Open Source advocate demands, their reaction is to move to a major brand that will NEVER open it's source in a million years.

In short - we intend to provide the source for synchronisation. The source requires some work before we can do so, most people at empeg already work well into the evening/night, and it's going to take us a while to get to. I've raised this issue with the development team a number of times, but right now, with Consumer 1.0 just around the corner and final release of a major OEM project almost due, the answer has been short and to the point.

What nobody seems to have considered is that Consumer 1.0 is due out in a couple of weeks, and it is intended to be a stable release. It would seem to make a lot more sense to petition for a source release after that time.
