but as a Mac user who is used to "eventually.... eventually ... some day... oh, well we changed our mind."

You make some valid points, Dredd, but I wanted to chime in here with a response to the statement above:

Perhaps there's a reason we keep hearing that line from other software companies. If so, it's hard to get upset at Empeg for following the same pattern.

Fortunately, Rob has already stated the company's commitment to release the synch code. In my book, that goes above and beyond the call of duty. Other companies would consider that stuff proprietary. So don't badger them about it too hard, they're doing their best.

Although I agree (and have stated as much) that releasing the synch sources sooner rather than later would be a good thing. We have to realize that it takes work/time to do it, though, and time is something they're short on at the moment. We have to wait until the Mk2 builds settle down a bit.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris