My mom's work (National Geographic) decided to switch to Mac for apparently no reason whatsoever. They're design and layout people had always been working on them, but that's understandable. But my mom doesn't do any of that. She does editing and research, as does her whole apartment. What's more, they gave every single person in the office a freaking G4! And they're all running OS9!

a) why the hell does a person who's only doing word processing and emailing need a G4?
b) why not go to OSX when you're installing all brand new machines anyway?

It doesn't make any sense to me. All I know is, I tried hooking up my mom's printer to it, and the OS made it so unclear as to how to install a new printer, I had to have her call an IT guy. I'm sorry, but installing a USB printer should be pretty obvious. It wasn't.

So yeah, Mac is different, but I'm going to stay on familiar turf. For what I do I don't need a Mac.