what are all of the advantages of switching to mac?

- A really really nice user interface. Scads better than Windows.

I'm sorry, but that's subjective. I used a Mac for a good while, and I simply prefer the Windows UI. I'm one of those multiple mouse button people.

Also, as I've said in another thread, if an OS makes it difficult to install a USB printer (didn't USB start on Macs?), then from my point of view, it's not easy to use. But again, that's how I feel.

I say if you're quite confident about your knowledge of a Windows OS, and the advantages of switching to a new computer are that minimal, don't bother.

But I'd also say that it depends how old, on average, the parts in your current PC are. You say you're doing video capture, so it can't be too old otherwise you'd have crap video. What kind of machine is it?