this is why I say this: There is no such thing as a user friendly computer interface, no matter how intuative it is, now matter how hand-holding it is.. you MUST have some knowlage of how the computer functions. it's not userfriendly, it's user familiar. to me, the CLI is friendly, it allows me to type any command I want, any way I want. it doesn't bother me with interuptions, or excessive "are you sure?" boxes. the problem is, for most users that I support.. CLI is scary because they arn't being told what to do by the interface. this bothers them, the don't know why they use computers unless someone tells them why. some of my older users who came from the DOS days like CLI better, because they know exactly what they want out of a computer.. for it to get their work done easier, and keep track of their files. they are familiar with the CLI.

I have other users that have no concept of virtual space, they don't understand how files can be sorted in a directory structure, they think I deleted their email if i minimize their email client to check their network connectivity. computers were spawned from mathematics, and for some people, abstract mathematics are beond what they are willing to comprehend.

from a technical standpoint, MacOS X is young, it's fairly good, but I still consider it very beta, and it's updates are no better than microsofts. (atleast the recent microsoft updates within the past year) the hardware is sub-optimal, and slightly over priced.. even with my university department discount, some of their hardware is more expensive than the stuff we get from sun. and atleast sun has a track record of doing stuff decent. I would be verry warry of using a mac for any kind of server task.. even tho I know an ISP that has probably a dozen iMacs and G4 towers that they do mail/web from.
80gig red mk2 -- 080000125
(No, I don't actually hate Alan Cox)