> Skill is not the word I would use.

What you do not appreciate does not require skill? I would daresay that there are few people who could even imitate him, much less come up with the kind of rhymes that he does.

Look, you don't appreciate rap music. That is fine, each of us likes what he likes. But not anyone can rap well, and few can rap really well. It does require skill, maybe not the same kind of skill as playing a guitar or drums, but skill nonetheless. You don't like the music, so you don't appreciate that skill, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. For instance, you imply there is no song-writing here; like he doesn't create melodies as well as create lyrics, but if you listened to it you would see that some of his melodies are quite good as well. You sound like all those old fogeys throught the the history of rock music who dismissed it as untalented noise merely because they didn't understand it.
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