> So, try to appreciate all kinds of music and not make stupid comments like "I hate Eminem" without any justification as to why you made the statement.

Personally, the way I see it is that "I hate xxxx" is not something that needs justification. This is a personal opinion, based on nothing more than your own feelings and tastes. it ultimately means nothing in any kind of global sense, it is local to you and your attitudes. You can can say you hate them, and I can say I love them, and neither of us is wrong. It is the more universal comments that I don't like; that someone sucks or is talentless. This is a global assertion that demands that everyone recognize its validity and gives no room for anyone else to feel differently. This goes beyond merely stating your opinion, instead of saying "I feel this way for this", you are stating "this is truth". That, to me, is arrogance and lack of respect for others.
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