If I believed that they believed that body kits and whatnot made their cars look cool and they were totally uninterested in making their cars work better...

I could not agree more. What irritates me even more is how stupid some of these people/kids are. I've seen stickers for German performance parts (neuspeed, etc) on Hondas. Then the primered body panels... I won't even go there.

Check out this site. And yes, this unfortunate phenomenon is not limited to Hondas.

I'll go on a tangent that it must say something for the Type R - that everybody wants to be like a Type R. I see so many Type R badges plastered on everything from Sentras to Corollas to Civics.

A "riced" Benz - that disgusts me, and it is an insult to the brand and everything it stands for.

I am respectful of tasteful performance upgrades - but a line must be drawn somewhere. But a huge wing that looks like it belongs on the back of a small plane - this serves no purpose (especially for the speeds it is driven at) but to look stupid.
BleachLPB ------------- NewFace MK2a