And no, I'm not sure how to make it clearer. If anyone thinks of anything, let me know.

Well, here's the way I see it (off the top of my head).

Since you can set the view order by clicking on the column headers, there's no need to have the dialog box do it for you.

If you use the dialog box to sort the playlist's "position" order, then it should sort the screen-view by "position" when it's done. Every single time. That would be the visual feedback the user gets from performing the sort. If they don't like it, then they can refresh the screen display order by hand after the sort is done.

I think that the way you've got it working now is more powerful, but more difficult to understand as well.

I have to qualify all my comments about this feature with a disclaimer, though: I would rarely, if ever, actually USE the feature. The only time I care about track order is when I'm putting an album into the Empeg and I care about preserving the album's running order. But these sorting features don't have the ability to sort-by-album-position because the Empeg doesn't store that information in the MP3 tags. And not all MP3 tags have that information anyway, only ID3v1.1 and up has this kind of data. So I have to get the sort order right as I drag them into Emplode and that's the last time I ever care about the order of the tracks in a playlist.

Anyone else have any opinions?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris