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It could be a nice feature for hijack and Jemplode to implement.

Hijack can't do it alone because almost every Empeg has a non-routable address, so it can't phone anybody outside of the LAN.

JEmplode could do it.. but if you're a thief that just stole a cool looking hunk of metal that says Empeg/Rio on it, you go to or SonicBlue and end up finding Emplode. But Emplode doesn't call home because they don't want to get involved, so the thief goes along his merry way synching or selling it to someone who does the same thing, and the server never hears a peep unless he happens to find and run JEmplode for some reason, whilst not having previously found and read this forum or the release notes that tell him that he's about to shoot himself in the foot.

And so you see: Simon and Simon were not brothers in real life... only on television.