frankly, I think these switch commercials are a joke. The arguments these people have are completely stupid.

"I don't get it" " I get the mac, I don't get the pc"

Thats cuz your an f'ing moron! There are 15 year olds hacking DVD encryption and you can't figure out how to bring up IE or M$ Word? ( I mention internet browsing and a word processor because these are basically the only 2 things these people will be able to do on the mac).

The problem, IMO, is that with pc's, there is a MUCH wider variety of applications and features and abilities to play around with and get curious about and because these people don't know WTF they're doing, they gotta muck with everything including downloading everything that has jpg or mpeg in the name and 2000 screensavers giving them all sorts of problems either because they don't know how to manage it properly or get nice little virus's to go with their cutsie little "Elf Bowling". If these people would stick with just browsing the web and typing their xmas lists and letters to grandma, they would have no problems.

Now when they switch to mac, they are basically locked into 5 applications with less stuff to muck around with and find it much more difficult to find things to download and play with keeping them out of trouble.

I could go on about this and I have before with a much better argument, but i'll stop now because I know i'll already have replies from mac users sticking up for their fisherprice pc's.
Mk2a 30GB Blue. Serial 030102999