In reply to:

I didn't say it did solve the problem, or even suggest that it was the right thing to do. I just wanted to point out that they took some flak for NOT having rounded up some of the 9/11 terrorists. Just to make sure that facet of the issue was part of the discussion.

point noted.

and you also said:

In reply to:

I mean, we can't go giving them flak for not doing their job, then giving them flak
when they try to make up for it. Can we?

Which would seem to indicate that as far as the INS is concerned two wrongs eventually make "one" right?

I don't think anyone would argue that the INS (should have previously, and now) needs to get its act together to more accurately police the rules...

... But rounding up everyone (but *only* from particular countries) who **might** be breaking the **visa** rules, seems to me and others to be way too much, way too late.

And as Ninti pointed, only 4 hijackers had expired Visas, out of 19 known hijackers, so because 4 people broke the visa laws, thousands will have to suffer?

Sounds like collective punishment to me.