My ancestors had a very hard time when they came to America. Much worse than immigrants now. There was no welfare, public services or Food banks. But like most of the aliens here now, it was better than what they left behind. I did not ORDER them home (who the hell am I anyway) but they should NOT be given everything on a silver platter. Especially if they might cause harm to the US. A little questioning should not be too much to ask. If it is, GO HOME. I’m sure when the authorities ask questions in most Arabic countries they bring a club instead of a pencil.

I do not think it is the USA’s responsibility to feed the world, house the world or otherwise support the WORLD. If aliens want to come to the US, work, pay taxes and be good citizens go for it. But there are limits to what our land can support in the way of population increases. I do not think we should invade Iraq because it is none of our busness. Not because they might blow up their neighbors. Chances are their neighbors hate us for some reason anyway.