"Yeah, but the FBI didn't put go around putting everyone with post-grad qualifications in Mathematics behind bars as soon as they worked that out, though, did they?"

No, and I'm not going to say I agree with the actions in the originating article here. However, if the police do question or look into people who fit a profile that happens to include nationality, I have no problem with that. It's when it goes beyond suspicion to treating people as guilty that the problems begin. I think that we've treated people pretty badly because of 9/11, both in and out of our government. However, that doesn't mean that our police shouldn't look harder at people who fit the terrorist profile.

This whole issue of rounding people up and putting them in jails is a little different, though. I do believe that we can't let aliens simply come over here and live; if we have rules they should be enforced. That being said, its pretty clear that the INS isn't enforcing the laws equally or justly, and that I have a problem with.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.