The best way to find good jobs is to network... meet people and go from there. A friend of mine actually goes online and finds local tech organizations goes to meetings and meets people that way and he's actually had a good amount of luck finding jobs that way. I always found jobs via word of mouth and through friends.

Yeah, that's always been the case, but I don't have a lot of friends in high places. Most of my close friends work in non-technical fields. I've got a lot of friends from college who work in IT, but none are local, or at least, none are in areas I'd necessarily want to live. At this point in my life I'm not ready to relocate just yet.

I had thought of the networking via professional societies and organizations, but it seemed like too much of a time commitment for me with work and grad school. The times always conflicted with my classes. Did your friend actually take any of the jobs he found this way?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff