Okay, here's something to keep us all interested and busy while I go hack Linux for a living this week and next..

It's a "Guess exactly how many discrete pieces of wood/metal/whatever go into the construction of each dock I make.

Everyone gets two guesses, maximum, and the first person to get the EXACT number gets to jump to #1 in the queue. Not a free dock, but rather a free jump to the front of the list for shipments.

I expect to send out six docks sometime in the next seven days. Guess correctly, and the first shipment will be to you, upon regular payment etc..


EDIT #1: Anything that I purchase that is pre-assembled counts as one piece, unless I have to take it apart to install it in the dock..

EDIT #2: This is for the "Works" version, fully tricked out with serial & fan. The serial port has only three pins wired up (RX,TX,GND).

EDIT #3: The answer will probably suprise you -- it certainly suprised me!

Edited by mlord (09/02/2003 19:43)