VolBoost works very well for me (thanks, Genixia).

It took me a long time to set up, though - a day or so for each adjustment (assuming I remember to edit config.ini every time I came to work). Even if I did it as fast as possible, it's still a 5-minute round-trip to the car; add on the time to get in and boot up, and it's still quite slow.

One thing that would help would be to be able to adjust and see the volboost settings interactively, even though they won't be saved on power-down (so you can later type the right numbers into config.ini). And maybe a lock-down setting in the config file (default locked) to remove the menu item; then you'd have to understand its transience when you enable it...

It's too late to be of use to me, of course (unless I get something to plug into Aux), but I thought I'd suggest it.
Toby Speight
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