Yes, the time-related shuffle does this sort of thing, but it's only an "influence" on the order of the tracks with respect to time. If it were just ordered by time it'd be a sort and end up being very boring as the order *would* be the same all the time :)

The good thing about it is that it works on the statistical info collected by the empeg in any play mode, so if you just listened to all your beatles tracks straight through then picked shuffle play of the entire unit, you'd be fairly unlikely to hear a beatles track until the very end of the suffled playlist.

1.1 also has bookmarks, which are great for keeping track of where you are in a big random playlist. Before you demo to your friend, just save the current playlist/position in a bookmark. After the demo, you just restore the bookmark and you're where you left off.

Oh, and the playlist/position are preserved over a sync, too. Peter (and everyone else!) have been *very* busy recently :)
