Jeez guys and gals, installing a FTP server app on the empeg has got to be a piece of cake... I wish I knew Linux better, I'd do it myself.

Installing and configuring a Debian image onto the empeg is not a trivial task. It took me a few days to get mine up and running, and I have been following Linux OS development since 0.0.59.

Aren't there any Linux dudes out there that could post a "how to" for us?

There is a Developers site at that explains most of what you need to do to get a Debian image up and running on the empeg, so you can install things such as ftp, http, ssh, etc.

How are the mp3 files stored on the empeg? Are they named something cryptic or is that part easy too?

The filenames are changed when stored on the empeg. They are stored as "xxy" where xx is the hex FID (I believe) and y is either 0 for the song data or 1 for the tag data (song name, etc).

bobo wrote a wrapper script that goes through the "cryptic" files and parses out the title and filename and creates a symbolic link tree to the original files, essentially restoring the filenames for ease of transfer. I lost the original link, but here is the script:

# bobo's dirty wrapper script
# [email protected]

# target dir for symlinks:

files=`ls -1 *0`

for i in $files
fidname=$(echo $i | sed s/.$/1/)
album=$(cat $fidname | grep -i source= | sed s/source=//i)
title=$(cat $fidname | grep -i title= | sed s/title=//i)
artist=$(cat $fidname | grep -i artist= | sed s/artist=//i)
if !(test -d "$target/$artist - $album/"); then
mkdir "$target/$artist - $album/"
echo "creating symlink: /$artist - $album/$title.mp3"
ln "$verz/$mp3name" "$target/$artist - $album/$title.mp3" -s

Just so you know, I use my empeg as a filestore. I can go to "quit" on the main menu and it will boot up my debian image, mount up my drives properly, and start inetd running so I can ftp/telnet to the empeg over the ethernet.

So it IS possible, it just takes some work. :)

