I saw the the movie on the preview date and I'll step out of character to say that the love scene/rave scene didn't seem too out of place; just a bit long to meet the need of Neo's prophetic vision. My complaint with the movie is that it explained far too much... Vampires, free will/predestination.... whatever. I'm not saying that these twists weren't cool and that the concept wasn't interesting. I'm saying the dialogue seemed to be written for a 12 year old... The oracle scene I found completely demeaning... I got the point and then they beat me with it.

Edit... Someone has told me that it just seems this way because I've dealt with the philosophical issues mentioned more than most, but I don't think thats it. By the way, I meant to say it is definitely not an MIB2.

Edited by mwest (16/05/2003 12:37)
-Michael West