I have it on good authority that there will be YASWSE (Yet Another Star Wars Special Edition) released
You know, I'd support this if he did it right. But he won't.

What I wish he would do is:

- Take the original prints.

- Clean up and restore them as pristine as possible.

- Correct and update any optical composites digitally, such as fixing the "emporer's slugs", cleaning up garbage mattes, etc., so that the films look like they were supposed to look like when originally projected in the theater instead of overexposed for the telecine transfer like the VHS copies.

- NOT add any new digital effects, characters, or objects.

- NOT add any new scenes (sorry, stepping on Jabba's tail was stupid).

- NOT change any existing scenes (Greedo shooting first and missing at point blank range, gimme a frickin break).

I figure the odds of this happening are about zilch.
Tony Fabris