Matrix 2 SPOILERS. If you haven't seen the movie, for cripes sake go see it already.

I saw it today for the second time and it's better the second time. I picked up hints that I missed before and even the way-shallow fight scenes are tolerable.

I think the rave scene is important because these people are celebrating their "humanity" and love, which isn't real, but I'll get to that.

I particularly like one theory that I read online... Zion is another level of Matrix and everyone in any Matrix is a program... with the possible exception of the woman Neo kisses (Persephone). The whole point of the Matrix is to find the one program that is a true human AI. Neo is the 6th candidate so far, and this one chooses love over life. Persephone is a test to see if Neo can really feel human.

When a program in the main Matrix realizes it's fake, it's flushed into the new Matrix (The *real* world). As the programs advance in awareness, their AI is getting better and better. The Oracle is a guide to reaching this perfect AI level and programs such as the Merovingian are tests.

I would be very satisfied if the plot ended up this way. But if Neo can shoot lightning bolts and programs can leave the Matrix, then things are going to be pretty disappointing. Notice that the monitors looking at the Matrix1`'s agent interrogation room are the same as the Architect's?

Watch the movie again and really think about what the Architect says. It's not just filler. Remember-you never really know a person until you fight them.
