Overall, I think it's a good resume. But these are my suggestions.

I don't see any need to force it to fit on one page. You have enough experience to justify 2 pages.

The objective as written is a waste of space. I think objectives can be worthwhile if you use them to say something interesting about yourself or the type of job you want.

Mention the technologies used in your experience section. It's OK that they are mentioned both in skills and experience. It is suspicious when a resume has a laundry list of acronyms with no mention of how they were applied.

I agree with what others said about there being too many differing font looks and indentation levels.

Definitely emphasize the clearances if they are still active and you still want that sort of job. (yuck)

Most importantly, sell yourself more. I don't believe that resumes need to be this dry list of skills and job tasks. Why are you special? What makes you better then the other guys who have the same skillset? Were you important in turning around a failing project? Did you design something particularly noteworthy? Have you led other developers? Did you receive praise, recognition from other departments or the company? My goal in writing a resume is to make the reader believe that I'm a star - I'm one of the people that makes a project successful. Lots of guys can slog code.
