Well just to reply since it is the first time I've had a night off in a while.
I've been cut back in my hours at work and had to get a second job to make ends meet. Which it still doesn't and that has been taking up all my free time.

And it doesn't help with the fact that I'm still having pain in my ribs so I finally went to the clinic and after numerous different appointments all over the city, not that it's anyones damn business, have found out that I have cancer. Which I should have expected since I've been smoking since I was 14 up to 3 packs a day.
I just hope they have caught it in time. They think they have but we'll see.

And as far a fraud, that is BS. Because I fully intend on filling every order that I have gotten.
In order for fraud to be commited you have to intentionally bilk people out of their money. That is not my intent.
I am a man of my word and no ones order that has been placed will go unfilled. Everyone will get their order.

And the reason for the system I use for ordering is because it saves me already non existent extra time of mot having to go to the bank or getting charged extra fees. So it was the most feasable at the time.

I was very enthusiastic at in the beginning but with all that is going on in real life and the few that berrate me either online or through email it's tough to not fall into depression.

Those of you that think that you have waited too long let me know and I will try to include something extra for your patience.

Those that slam, slander or all out attack me will still have their orders filled but will also be banned from ever ordering from me again.

Anyone that wants to reply to me do so through email since I am going to be spending the free time tonight to try and get some orders filled. And if I get any (emails) I will try to get back to them tonight, if not soon.

I am truly sorry for the delays to all of you but life can apparently deal you numerous blows. I never knew it could deal a bunch at once until this year.

And to those of you that still support me. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. You guys are the reason I am still doing it and haven't shut it down yet.

And one more thing, Thank you Paul for letting me know about this thread. You have been my best friend online. At least there are a few that know I am a man of my word and trust me.
Steve DarkStorm Designs