
For what it is worh, please accept my support and best wishes.

I have so little time to post that I try to do so whenever I can and only in what I consider most important/useful threads. Still, I like this community so much that I regret not being able to say all that I would like to say, and participate as much as I would, whether it is a thread on Matrix or on Randomness or on your beautiful lenses.

I ordered probably five or six lenses from you, and I don't remember commenting on what a good service and great products you offer to this community. So I am going to do now.
Your lenses are excellent; I always received them in time, in spite of some int'l shipping problems that you managed to solve, and I am still using them after one year.
I understand who is complaining for not getting theirs, but, for my part, I can reassure them that they are just being hit by the very unfortunate events, and I, as well as many others, can guarantee that you are a man of your word.

Again, best wishes for everything, Steve!
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg