Yes he did. And I offered to pay him back which is against my policy on refunds but in light of the long delay decided to let that go in this case.
I offered to do it in a way that would not impact me too badly and he'd still get his monet but apparaently that wasn't good enough for him and instead of telling me so the SOB sicced Paypal on me.
So in order to placate him I'll have to transfer it from my checking back into Paypal which also means I won't be able to pay my phone/DSL bill this month. But I doubt that will even be good enough for him because a transfer from checking to Paypal takes up to 3 working days which means he'll have his money by the end of next week. But I'm sure that's too long for him.

He told me he sold his Empeg as well. Why the hell would he do that? In my opinion he doesn't belong on the noard anymore since he obviously isn't an enthusiast.

And in response to his comment on my Baretta. Learn to read you ass. There was never any threat of violence to anyone here only to myself because all this is getting to hard to cope with. Which is why they put me meds for that which only adds to my tirednes. Like I'm not weak enough already.
Steve DarkStorm Designs