I still think I would be a fan of auto updating lists. I don't do windoze so when I get a player it sounds like the software available to me may initially be somewhat limited. The ability to haphazardly add songs to the empeg and then play all songs by x artist or from y genre sounds great because it means I will have to do minimal list maintenance. Fortunately it sounds like the Empeg crew has already covered this. If I can do something like play all songs by x band via voice recognition I will be in geek-toy heaven.

Thanks for the info everyone!


p.s. So when are we going to get the source for the unix playlist/upload tools and the transfer specs? I want to have something to play with while waiting for my number to come up! Hey that brings up another point, I need an "Empeg emulator" for development :-)

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration