Hmm, since I talked with my Empeg about the problem it helped. No failures at all. But today didn't help any talking and shouting to the Empeg :-(. The display showed "All settings lost" (or something like this). Thank you! But beside some entries for the actual visual and so on all entries are there, even the config.ini. Wow, I had luck. But back in the car and automagically using DC-mode I had this issue like I had when I updated to the latest hijack: My GPS-mouse controlled my empeg in a way I don't like. Once a second it shuffeled, searched and changed the visuals. So I took my hands into the glove box, pulled out all the cables of this §$%& GPS-thing and everything worked fine (expect of my GPS-sender...). Ok, maybe it's my first step for competing again next year as the worst install, but it was not my idea to do this right now.

I've written long long sentences, now the content:
- What is lost when it tells me "All settings are lost"?
- My config.ini shows me the notify=1, so my GPS shouldn't disturb in DC-mode. It was the notify-flag, wasn't it?

Rolf (a little bit sad - too much work, don't need worries with empegs these days)
Connecting Empeg via Bluetooth or Wireless LAN
*** Proud owner of the European Worst Install Trophy 2003 ! ***