Boxer, do you really own that, or are you just messing around?

- er, only kidding - it's a joke, but I did know someone whose mother had it.
Many years ago a DJ in London, Kenny Everett, did a bottom 30 and one of the tracks from that LP was fairly highly regarded, along with Ferlin Husky's drunken driver song - if I can only remember which corner of Boxer Towers I put the cassette of the show in, I can claim legitimate ownership.
Many years ago, I was shown round the Rolls-Royce factory in Crewe and they were finishing a shocking pink Roller - who the hell would buy/order that, we all said - and a few months later it turned up on Kojak: Just about as much taste as the L.P.!

Oh, But I do actually have this LP
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag