
Unfortunately, they forgot about my request to get a small batch early, so they were all shipped via the same slow boat. So I am waiting until they arrive. I estimate about two more weeks until they show up.

As for photos, I just have the photo of the mock-up. I have no photographs of the real answer icosahedron floating in inky blue fluid. I have a copy of the final approved answer sheet, but I do not want to show it in case anyone finds a typo that I (and my multiple proofers) missed and cannot be corrected anymore...

As for people across the pond, or anywhere else for that matter, there was someone (I have to look up who) who wanted to do a bulk shipment and resell. That is probably the way I would prefer to go rather than individual spheres. Less paperwork and hassle, I would think. It probably could be done either way, but I am not sure yet what that would do to the price (with shipping and packing).

I am waiting until they arrive before making any commitments for bulk deals.

Progress, though.

Edit: Ah, if there is a typo I will hear about it no matter what. Linking to the paper copy of the approved answer sheet...

Edited by pgrzelak (06/04/2004 09:04)
Paul Grzelak
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