Hey guys, I see what you are saying about my reply. I apologize if that sounded hostile; it wasn't meant to be. I don't know what I meant exactly, but I guess I was saying that I wasn't trying to make support of all three formats a some sort of boast (in my original announcement), but more of a fact. And the fellow who replied suggested that everyone could have that same support (and so I suggested that they would have to trade that support for an "alpha" tag). But anyway, I didn't mean anything malicious, and apologies again to anyone that was offended.

Really the only thing I'm even marginally proud of about Squash, besides it more or less running, is the automatic music selection routine. More on that in a bit.

First, I want to thank everyone for responding to my paranioa with some very kind words. So, Thanks!

I think it was Tony C that suggested we discuss automatic selection algorithms in general so I'm going to post my thoughts about that in a new thread. I would like to say here, though, that Squash's method is not very complex or "anything you can pat yourself on the back for" .

And another question was which would be easier to do? Flesh out Squash (by what, six? seven-fold?), or add the unique features to the main player. Well I really think it would be easy to add to the original player. Of course, I'd probably keep using squash so long as I have no elegant way (read, rsync regularly named files) to transfer files to the unit.

Just to be careful, while that is my gripe (and I hope that's a legitimate one?), I don't want to put down everything else that the player does so well. I want to go down on the record as really liking the original player. (Especially, the recent dancing stickmen, that's just awesome ).

So anyway, thanks for the support, and sorry for my misunderstanding.

-Adam Luter (Gryn)