While I have no doubt this maneuver is in direct correlation with the backlash against Janet Jackson's boobie show and the sudden focus on decency on TV and radio, I'm going to take another side of this argument, and say that Stern jumped the shark a long time ago. His same old schtick has been copied so much that he's no longer out on the cutting edge, and the show hasn't changed in any way to keep up with the copycats. So now that there's a sudden outcry against anything sexual or immoral, it's become a lot easier for Clear Channel to pull him. I don't have the numbers, but I can't imagine his ratings are what they were 10+ years ago when he was actually doing something new and exciting. I personally think Stern is yesterday's news, and even if he cleaned up his act, is on the down side of the mountain, heading towards obscurity.
- Tony C
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